Ridiculum sum, ergo sum...

The New and Improved Mumblings of my Brain...

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I love my British English teacher and my theatre teacher, and stuff. I'm rather crazy. Actually, quite crazy. Sometimes. My hair is ridiculously curly, and I have big feet. My mom refers to me as, "Y'know, tall girl, big hair, laughs a lot..."

Saturday, August 26, 2006

School. Blerg.

So school starts on Monday. The day has finally come. Tomorrow night, the sun will set blood red, bathing the land in its horrific glow until the dawn will come and imprison us all. It will be like our last day on Earth as we know it.

*gets an idea*

GREAT PLOT DEVELOPMENT IDEA! Thank you, poetic side.

For those of you who don't understand what just went on there, I was writing something particularly morbid, and I came up with a particularly morbid idea for the story on paper.


Anywho, I'm at my uncle's, with my little cousins. SO CUTE (weird how I can go from blood to babies so fast, eh?)!

Anyway, my friend needs help with his blog. Gotta go post there for him.

The Flames


Blogger BeckStra7 said...

*quotes Elton John song*

"It's like the sun goin' down on me"

That's school.

*quotes the Flames*

"Tomorrow night, the sun will set blood red, bathing the land in its horrific glow until the dawn will come and imprison us all. It will be like our last day on Earth as we know it."

*quotes Max*

"And who said poetry was dead?"


11:13 AM  
Blogger The Flames said...


Me, you make me feel tons better!!


11:56 AM  

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