Ridiculum sum, ergo sum...

The New and Improved Mumblings of my Brain...

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I love my British English teacher and my theatre teacher, and stuff. I'm rather crazy. Actually, quite crazy. Sometimes. My hair is ridiculously curly, and I have big feet. My mom refers to me as, "Y'know, tall girl, big hair, laughs a lot..."

Monday, August 28, 2006

High School 101

Ok, so get this...

I can update the blog from school. Cool, right?

So, I'm in erm...*checks schedule* Ah, 10th Period, sitting in the computer lab. This is my extra time, because I got logged on. Yay me!

Yeah, so. School. Sucks. What else is new? Homeroom and the assembly...thing was like...snorefest. I seriously almost fell asleep. But whatever. It was early, and I was tired. So far, it's all been "Oh, you need this, and this, and here's a paper, and yada, yada, yada.

*gags self*

I've got a lot of friends in a lot of classes, save for gym. Weightlifting looks fun, but I dunno yet. Hey, it's only the first day. So we'll see how it goes.

Oh, and yesterday? There was no sun. So it couldn't set. How wrong is that? My prediction hasn't come true yet, but school is torture, as usual.

Well, Dunno how much time I have, so I'm gonna jet now.

Peace out,
~The Flames


Blogger BeckStra7 said...

I was going to read this in computer class today, but the internet is down.

Big surprise, eh?


4:12 PM  

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