Ridiculum sum, ergo sum...

The New and Improved Mumblings of my Brain...

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I love my British English teacher and my theatre teacher, and stuff. I'm rather crazy. Actually, quite crazy. Sometimes. My hair is ridiculously curly, and I have big feet. My mom refers to me as, "Y'know, tall girl, big hair, laughs a lot..."

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Arachnaphobic much!?!?

Ok, so there's this spider the size of my face outside. I won't be able to sleep. It's gonna eat me.

So, I've figured out my blog isn't nearly as good as Me's. I just kinda ramble. But Me's is much better.

Last night, I got back from the Corn-field and restaruant and Gina called. If my life were a play, this is how it would be.

(Curtain opens on two teenage girls Catie and Gina who are in their respective rooms, talking on the phone. Both are eager to see each other, as they are close, and the the time spent away from each other is long. The time is 10:30 at night.)

Dana- Gina's father
Mom-Catie's Parents
Dad-Catie's Parents

Gina: What's the deal?! I thought you were coming over today?
Catie: (sitting upside-down on bed) Well, you had the tournament today, and I thought you'd be there all day, so I went to the cornmaze with Josh! I can probably come if you get me.
Gina: Mom's at work, and Steve is over. Oh, our electricity's out.
(in background)
Dana: Who're you talking to?
Gina: Cate. Hey, can you take me halfway?
Dana: Sure. Go get me pants.
Gina: Seriously?! SWEET!
Catie: I don't think Ican go, but I'll go ask. (walks down hallway to parent's room, where her mother is watching TV) Mom, can you pretty please drive me to the Halfway point?
Mom: Go ask your father.
Catie: SWEET! (walks down hallway and stairs to father, who is watching a NASCAR race) Dad, can you take me to the halfway point so I can go to Gina's?
Dad: What!? Catie, it's 10:30!
Catie: PLEASE!!!?
Dad: Fine, are you all ready?
Catie: YES! LET'S GO!

So that's what happened.

I'll post more tomorrow, but I have to sleep now. Peace out.

~The Flames


Blogger BeckStra7 said...

I'm flattered that you think my blog is that great. Truely.

So what is this mysterious "Half-way Point"? Lils and I always met at Jo-Ann Fabrics or sometimes SuperPets. Or anywhere else one of our mom's needed to go.


9:22 PM  

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