Ridiculum sum, ergo sum...

The New and Improved Mumblings of my Brain...

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I love my British English teacher and my theatre teacher, and stuff. I'm rather crazy. Actually, quite crazy. Sometimes. My hair is ridiculously curly, and I have big feet. My mom refers to me as, "Y'know, tall girl, big hair, laughs a lot..."

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sorry for the wait, y'all!

Sorry about the not updating for six days. I've been so uber busy, and the work load just doesn't stop o.O

Anyway. Today, we had a choice. We could either go apple picking at Strawberry Acres, or we could go to Party City for Halloween costumes. Since my brother was really sick (ok, not REALLY, but whatever), we looked at Halloween costumes. And I must say, Halloween would be so much easier if I ruled the world. And I"m seriously not saying this to be conceited. Lol. If I ruled the world, I'd make everyone read the same books, see the same movies, etc, etc. Then, I could be like...James, or Max. *nods sagely*

After Party City (I didn't find anything, and I still don't know what to be. I don't even know if I wanna be male or female!!), we went to Barnes and Noble. The only problem was, there really aren't any books I really need right now. I just have to wait until the next MR book. OrPendragon. Whichever comes first. So I got a cd by this guy named David Lanz. He's a solo pianist, and he's really good. He wrote a song called Cristofori's dream. Sooo goood.

Then, we were all hungry, so we went to Smokey Bones. They had Nickelodeon on, so we watched Danny Phantom. I wish Avatar would've come on. :-D

Afterwards, we went to Micheal's. I think I'd really like to start beading (you know, making jewlry and such). But it costs money (duh). Maybe someone can get it for my birthday!! :-D

Other than that, I'm pretty sure I'm going to the game tonight. If not...well..I'll type more.

The Flames

PS!! I TYPED A WHOLE HALF PAGE, or something like that.



Blogger BeckStra7 said...

I used to have a lot of beads. I was really into the bead craze there for a while. I made all thses neclaces and never wore any of them. Well, they WERE kinda tacky. But hemp is so much better. I like to go for the natural look.


12:46 PM  

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