Ridiculum sum, ergo sum...

The New and Improved Mumblings of my Brain...

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I love my British English teacher and my theatre teacher, and stuff. I'm rather crazy. Actually, quite crazy. Sometimes. My hair is ridiculously curly, and I have big feet. My mom refers to me as, "Y'know, tall girl, big hair, laughs a lot..."

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My adventures in the Realm of the Mortals...

Yesterday, we went to the mall.

Notthe Fairgrounds mall, as we usually do, but the Berkshire Mall. The bigger mall that's not so...I dunno. It was an adventure within itself. Especially my journey into Hot Topic. Sure, they have band tee-shirts, but I'm not emo/goth/punk. It was pretty interesting. I must admit, I have never seen so much clothing with skulls on them in my life. While the store made me a bit uncomfortable, they played some pretty good music. I have no clue what any of it was, but it had a cool sound to it. Really hard rock, which I happen to like.

Yeah, I have a pretty wide range of music.

Anyway, last night was Cassie Spatz' birthday party. I got more remarks on how Josh and I should "definately" go out. Whatever. I find it almost insulting that I can't have a friend who happens to be a guy without people finding the NEED to think we're dating. *sigh*

I had a really interesting dream last night in like...three parts. We all lived on this island. It was a really beautiful island, and there was a king and queen on the island, and...it was sort of like the village. Like, since it was fall, there were pumpkins EVERYWHERE, and old farm houses, and yet it was still a little sea-side village. Anyway, the king and queen had a son, and as he grew up, he became like...semi deaf. So the king and queen put me in charge of him. I would take him for walks in the wood, and to the library, and the pumpkin patch, and I taught him pig latin ^^.

So one day, we're playing and we find this old barn, and we start to walk through it, starting at the top. As we walk through it, we find out that someone lives there, and she yells at us. So I"m like, "C'mon, let's go to the pumpkin patch." So we did. The little kid was playing around and hiding behind the pumpkins with his mom, the queen, who was down in the pumpkin patch, and suddenly, I was kidnapped by this fat, ugly guy who lived on the other side of the island.

So he took me over there, and this place was MUCH more advanced than my side of the island. It kinda looked like New Jersey. Anyway, since I was there, they could take down the railings around the sea and finally go into it. That's how I escaped. I ran down the beach REALLY fast and back into the library. They were running after me, but I escaped. I burst into the library, and hugged the little kid, and we were happy again.


Alright, I doth believe this post is too long as is, so...peace, foo's.

~The Flames


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOLY CRUD!! Everyone is always commenting before I can!! What is this madness??

I had a dream last night. You were there. See, was at school. But it wasn't our normal school. And I didn't know I was supposed to be at marching band practice. And I could remember my schedual. So I went with you and Mel to like...day care/coloring class. Where we colored. Then I got on the bus and sat in the 1st seat, which I haven't done in FOREVER. And Mel tells me I was supposed to be at Marhcing band practice. Which I didn't know about becasue I missed marching band practice.

Guess I'll go talk to you know sinse you're so bored.


4:45 PM  

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