What I'm afraid of...
Alright, when I think about what I'm afraid of, //I// don't think it's a long list. I mean, needles don't bother me in the least. Death? Everyone has to die sometime. I'm a pro at public speaking, Blood (as long as it's my own) doesn't really scare me that much. The dark isn't TOO bad...
Here's my top couple fears
1. Spiders
Why were they created? I mean, sure, they eat "bugs harmful to farmer's crops", but couldn't God create something less...spiderish? Like...a butterfly, or a little mouse.
2. Googleapeids
Otherwise known as Centipedes. Zomg, why do they exist too? Seiously, why would you want to be that ugly? And the REALLY scary thing is that they're smarter than spiders. If you try and squish a spider, they just sit there. But Googleapeids move...they have brains...
3. Aliens
I have no clue where this fear derived from. Maybe it's primal instinct. There's a quote from the Mob Song in Beauty and the Beast (=P) that goes, "We don't like what we don't understand, in fact it scares us." Isn't fear the basis of all predjudice? I suppose I'm just so afraid of them because if that happens--if aliens come to Earth to attack--what do you do? Where in God's name do you go?!?!
4. Embaressment/being scolded
Yeah, as weird as it sounds, I HATE to be embaressed. So what have I done to fix this? Made myself as crazy as possible so that when people think I'm weird....well, they're right. Also, I HATE when a teacher yells at me. To this day, it makes me want to cry, and I have no clue why.
5. Those stupid internet sites where it's like"Look at this picture and find the 3 differences"
Ok, so you look for 3 differences. After 15 seconds or so, this hideous face pops out atyou and screams. Zomg, I just saw one of those. In an email. I'm still shaking. It was so horrible. I absolutely hate those, though I will admit that it gave me a rush of adreniline.
6. Being scared.
I am seriously afraid of being scared. I hate it. That's why I don't like scary movies. But you know, I always think "Oh, wouldn't it be great to BE Maximum Ride, or Harry Potter, or even James?" No! It wouldn't! I'd be scared CONSTANTLY!! I think I'd wet my pants! As cool as that would be...I'm not 100% sure it would be worth it.
So that's my scared list.
The Flames
Here's my top couple fears
1. Spiders
Why were they created? I mean, sure, they eat "bugs harmful to farmer's crops", but couldn't God create something less...spiderish? Like...a butterfly, or a little mouse.
2. Googleapeids
Otherwise known as Centipedes. Zomg, why do they exist too? Seiously, why would you want to be that ugly? And the REALLY scary thing is that they're smarter than spiders. If you try and squish a spider, they just sit there. But Googleapeids move...they have brains...
3. Aliens
I have no clue where this fear derived from. Maybe it's primal instinct. There's a quote from the Mob Song in Beauty and the Beast (=P) that goes, "We don't like what we don't understand, in fact it scares us." Isn't fear the basis of all predjudice? I suppose I'm just so afraid of them because if that happens--if aliens come to Earth to attack--what do you do? Where in God's name do you go?!?!
4. Embaressment/being scolded
Yeah, as weird as it sounds, I HATE to be embaressed. So what have I done to fix this? Made myself as crazy as possible so that when people think I'm weird....well, they're right. Also, I HATE when a teacher yells at me. To this day, it makes me want to cry, and I have no clue why.
5. Those stupid internet sites where it's like"Look at this picture and find the 3 differences"
Ok, so you look for 3 differences. After 15 seconds or so, this hideous face pops out atyou and screams. Zomg, I just saw one of those. In an email. I'm still shaking. It was so horrible. I absolutely hate those, though I will admit that it gave me a rush of adreniline.
6. Being scared.
I am seriously afraid of being scared. I hate it. That's why I don't like scary movies. But you know, I always think "Oh, wouldn't it be great to BE Maximum Ride, or Harry Potter, or even James?" No! It wouldn't! I'd be scared CONSTANTLY!! I think I'd wet my pants! As cool as that would be...I'm not 100% sure it would be worth it.
So that's my scared list.
The Flames
Hmmm. Do'ya wanna know what I'm scared of? You do? Good. Cuz I'm gonna tell you.
I'm scared that my house is gonna burn down. I don't know what put this fear into my head, but I've been scared about it since...well, a long time. I would wake up in the middle of the night and get sacred that because my house is so old it would be more suseptable to buring down and I wouldn't be able to save the cats in the celler. Then I would anlyize escape plans and try to decide if I would be more likely to survive if I jumped out the window on to cement or pointed rocks. Because those would be my only choices if I was trapped in my room.
And for the record, I don't like being yelled at by teachers. Even if it someting minor and idiotic. Makes me wanna cry. And then I feel like kicking myself.
Well, this was a long comment.
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