Ridiculum sum, ergo sum...

The New and Improved Mumblings of my Brain...

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I love my British English teacher and my theatre teacher, and stuff. I'm rather crazy. Actually, quite crazy. Sometimes. My hair is ridiculously curly, and I have big feet. My mom refers to me as, "Y'know, tall girl, big hair, laughs a lot..."

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Les Miz, and other things worth writing here

Yeah, so I got into Lez Mis. I'm only in the chorus, but Josh insists I get on here and tell you all. Dunno why. Am I glad I made it? Of course I am. But yeah, I'm only in the chorus. *makes note to take singing lessons* :-D


If there were five people you could invite to dinner, who would they be? <-- My dear mum LOVES to plague me with that question, but I might have some answers.

1. Bobby Pendragon--I seriously just want to meet the kid.
2. Johnny Depp--Not because he's simply gorgously DIIIIVINE, but because...well, let's put it this way--he almost ALWAYS wears a bracelet made by his daughter. I mean, how cool is that? He also once said that, "I don't try and play captian strange. I just do."
3. James Deferer--Do I wanna meet my own characters? Yeah, I do.
4. Albert Einstein--He has some of the best quotes I've ever heard, and despite his intelligence, I do believe he'd be fun to have a conversation with.
5. Mark Twain (Samuel Clemmens)--same reasons as Al.

And that's my list so far. I would DEFINATELY want Bobby Pendragon there. The rest may change for no reason whatsoever.

~The Flames


Blogger Caitlin Summers said...

Cool list! I'd add the entire Flock, though. I'd love to chat with Max and the gang...

5:47 PM  
Blogger BeckStra7 said...

*Wholeheartedly agrees with Caitlin Summers*

MAX ISN'T ON YOUR LIST? I would have thought she'd be first.
Your Chirstmas present is underproduction and could quite possibly be finished. I haven't decided yet. Will you fix my earring? I would have but I don't have any string.

7:13 PM  
Blogger The Wicked Witch of the South-East said...

Hmm, that is a good list. I think I would add The Man in the Moon, to ask if it really is made from cheese, the flock, obviously, my younger self, older self and Tony Blair, just so I can then get the rest of England round to rush him after. If he's not availiable then Kermit the Frog or perhaps Miss Piggy. Just remind me not to serve pork!

1:29 PM  
Blogger The Flames said...

See, I couldn't invite Max and the flock for two reasons.

1. I wouldn't have enough food
2. They can't just //visit//. If I see the flock at my house, they'll be LIVING there.

Then I'll just get more food.


5:11 PM  
Blogger Caitlin Summers said...

Good point...

10:48 AM  

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