Ridiculum sum, ergo sum...

The New and Improved Mumblings of my Brain...

My Photo

I love my British English teacher and my theatre teacher, and stuff. I'm rather crazy. Actually, quite crazy. Sometimes. My hair is ridiculously curly, and I have big feet. My mom refers to me as, "Y'know, tall girl, big hair, laughs a lot..."

Monday, October 30, 2006

Feelin' low in Leesport

I have felt like shoe leather all day. And trust me, that's not good. Would YOU wanna feel like shoe leather??

I mean, if I was in elementary school, I'd be so SURE that I was dying or something, because it hurt so much. Now, I don't know if that's because I was just so wimpy back then, or my pain tolerence is just higher. It feels like I'm always HURTING though, and I dunno why.

Ah well.

"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now, it's just a spring clean for the may queen. Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on."
-Stairway to Heaven. Just to prove that Us youngin's still have a good taste in music. Or I do, anyway. And me.

Anywho, I promised someone I'd do something, so...peace

~The Flames

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What I'm afraid of...

Alright, when I think about what I'm afraid of, //I// don't think it's a long list. I mean, needles don't bother me in the least. Death? Everyone has to die sometime. I'm a pro at public speaking, Blood (as long as it's my own) doesn't really scare me that much. The dark isn't TOO bad...

Here's my top couple fears

1. Spiders

Why were they created? I mean, sure, they eat "bugs harmful to farmer's crops", but couldn't God create something less...spiderish? Like...a butterfly, or a little mouse.

2. Googleapeids

Otherwise known as Centipedes. Zomg, why do they exist too? Seiously, why would you want to be that ugly? And the REALLY scary thing is that they're smarter than spiders. If you try and squish a spider, they just sit there. But Googleapeids move...they have brains...

3. Aliens

I have no clue where this fear derived from. Maybe it's primal instinct. There's a quote from the Mob Song in Beauty and the Beast (=P) that goes, "We don't like what we don't understand, in fact it scares us." Isn't fear the basis of all predjudice? I suppose I'm just so afraid of them because if that happens--if aliens come to Earth to attack--what do you do? Where in God's name do you go?!?!

4. Embaressment/being scolded

Yeah, as weird as it sounds, I HATE to be embaressed. So what have I done to fix this? Made myself as crazy as possible so that when people think I'm weird....well, they're right. Also, I HATE when a teacher yells at me. To this day, it makes me want to cry, and I have no clue why.

5. Those stupid internet sites where it's like"Look at this picture and find the 3 differences"

Ok, so you look for 3 differences. After 15 seconds or so, this hideous face pops out atyou and screams. Zomg, I just saw one of those. In an email. I'm still shaking. It was so horrible. I absolutely hate those, though I will admit that it gave me a rush of adreniline.

6. Being scared.

I am seriously afraid of being scared. I hate it. That's why I don't like scary movies. But you know, I always think "Oh, wouldn't it be great to BE Maximum Ride, or Harry Potter, or even James?" No! It wouldn't! I'd be scared CONSTANTLY!! I think I'd wet my pants! As cool as that would be...I'm not 100% sure it would be worth it.

So that's my scared list.

The Flames

Tuesday, October 17, 2006



People, if you think you have a favorite tv show, THINK AGAIN! You haven't LIVED until you've seen Heroes. I think I like this JUST AS MUCH as I like Maximum Ride.

And that's effing saying something.

So yesterday, I didn't get to watch it. We taped it, and I got to watch it today.




Hiro says that he didn't recognize Peter without the scar. PETER GETS A COOL SCAR!!

*gasp* But what gives Peter the scar?!??!? THAT'S NOT GOOD, PEOPLE!!!

*Blows up with love for this show*

You see, Hiro is Japanese and he can bend time and space (and he has his own blog *SQUEE!!!*), Nikki has a split personality, who protects her, but in...weird ways. Peter can FLY (and so can his older brother, who's a JERK!!!), Isaac can paint the future (when he's high), Claire is indestructable (she's died like, three times, BUT LIVED!!), *struggles to think of more, because her brain is about to explode with all the COOLNESS OF THIS!!*

MOHINDER! He's reeeeeally hot. Bu he doesn't have a power. But he's hot. THAT IS HIS POWER!!!! His hotness *Hums "I'm too sexy"* And there's Matt the Cop. He can read minds.

I think that's it. I'm gonna feel really bad if I forget someone.

AND THEN I SAW AN AWESOME TRAILER FOR A MOVIE! It's called "Stranger than Fiction" with Emma Thompson and Will Farrell, and she's an author. All of a sudden, Harold Crick (Will Farrell) starts hearing a voice. It turns out that he's her character in the book she's writing. IT'S SO COOL!

Anyway, I'm wrapping this up now, so peace out.

Sembippi Ubi Nairobi!

Or whatever Me says.

~The Flames

Sunday, October 15, 2006

How do I only have 12 posts?

Oh. That's because volleyball HAS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE!!!

Anyway. I might have to make this short, but it's not for the same reason as James (www.kingdomofnastimus.blogspot.com). Because mom said so.

So we got second in our volleyball tournament. Again. Second again.

Right now, I'm listening to "I'm Going Slightly Mad" by Queen. I think this song describes me a lot. Because I'm going slightly mad. Oh dear.


That's about it.

My blog sucks compared to Me's.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

An update, thank god!

So, liek, omg, I'm still alive.

AND POSTING! That's only cuz it's Sunday night, and we have tomorrow off. Otherwise, I'd be scrambling around trying to do homework and read three or four chapters in "White Fang." But...I'll do that tomorrow as I watch Heroes.

Which is the best show on Nbc EVER!!! It's about all these people who are finding out that they're getting new powers and stuff, and the world's gonna blow up, and they need to find out what's going on, and...oh, it's so great. It's on MOndays at 9:00-10:00 on NBC.

Right now, I'm listening to Chopin, but I think now I'll change to som Simon and Garfunkle or something.

Anyway, we took second place in the Falcon Classic Volleyball Tournament. Hey, we didn't lose to Brandywine.

Our next tournament is the Lancaster Amish/Menninite Tournament, which got me thinking--how many Menninite play volleyball? LOL, jk. We're the defending champs of that tourny...so wish us luck. I think Gina's gonna be there. :-D

Speaking of the Amish...what happened out there is so unbelievable, I can still hardly understand it. Mr. Evans says the guy shot the girls there because A) there was a possibility he wanted to rape them and B) he knew there was no security. How horrible is that? I'm tellin' you what, you think you know a guy, and then he does that. According to various interviews, his friends and family said he was completely sane.

See, it's the ones you think are normal that you have to watch out. They're the real whackos. And I mean, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against his family. They didn't go make him do it. He was just pyschotic.

I'm not sure what I would do if I knew someone who did something like that. I'd be really confused.

To change the subject completely, I realized how much I like being (and feeling like) a teenager. We went to Hershey Park last sunday, and I was dressed like a teenager, I was listening to Teenager Music (Hoobastank, God bless them), and I overall felt like a teenager. I wonder if that's my problem. I feel too grown up. I now see why parents always tell little kids to not want to rush their life away, because you know what? Being a little kid is effing fun!

But I always feel...so old. I mean...I don't know how to explain it. A lot of times, there's just a lot of pressure. Pressure to do well in School, to kill on the volleyball court, to do homework, etc. It's kinda overwheling, you know?

OY! I have this pimple thing festering on my arm. I swear, it's got it's own pulse AND gravitational pull!!!!!


Anywho, I'll wrap this up here.

The Flames