Ridiculum sum, ergo sum...

The New and Improved Mumblings of my Brain...

My Photo

I love my British English teacher and my theatre teacher, and stuff. I'm rather crazy. Actually, quite crazy. Sometimes. My hair is ridiculously curly, and I have big feet. My mom refers to me as, "Y'know, tall girl, big hair, laughs a lot..."

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Halloween Ideas for myself:

Basket of laundry...clean or dirty. Wear sweat pants and sweatshirt if it is cold. Tights and a turtleneck if you will be in a warm building. Take an inexpensive (thin) plastic laundry basket and cut a hole in the bottom that you can fit through. Make it small enough so that is "sits" on your hips after you pull it over your head. Fill basket with laundry and pin a few dryer softener sheets to your sweatshirt

Bag of Jelly Beans - lots of different colored balloons
- large clear plastic bag (I got mine from the grocery store
- the BIG bags that they put all the recycled cans in)
- colorful ribbon
- two safety pins
- two pieces of white cardboard
Blow up all the balloons. Cut two leg holes in the bottom of the bag and two arm holes near the middle. Have your child stand in the bag and fill with blown up balloons. Write on each piece of cardboard "JELLY BEANS 2 CENTS EACH". Safety pins signs to front and back of bag. LOOSELY tie around shoulders with a colorful ribbon. Cut off excess bag around face

Cereal Killer Attach little cereal boxes to a shirt, cut a slit in the boxes, glue in plastic knives into the holes, drip red paint running down from the knife hole in the box.

Static Cling Wear anything a solid color is good all white or all black. With safety pins pin anything to yourself i:e: socks, underware, bounce sheets, etc. You can also spray your hair straight up in the air. From: Maria

Blooming Idiot! Get a green body suit and some green tights and on your head wear a beanie hat. Glue fake flowers to the beanie hat and maybe pin a few on your body suit. Also it's fun if you paint some flowers on your face and arms. I found some cheap, fake Ivy and wrapped it around my neck and arms and presto! Your a blooming idiot!

Bubble Bath Take a white laundry basket and cut out the bottom, be sure to tape the cut edges with masking tape. Attach two wide strips of material (white) to front and back of basket (these are the shoulder straps). Attach white, light peach, and pearl balloons to the staps using safety pins (these are bubbles) Wear a white bodysuit, and white pantyhose. Put on your houseshoes, shower cap, and grab your scrub brush. (If the laundry basket has holes in it, cover the inside with posterboard) From: Bridgette

I might be one of these, but We'll see.

~The Flames

Monday, September 18, 2006

Too sick to do Arithmetic...

I'm gonna turn into a vegetable if I keep watching TV like this. That's my second movie in 3 hours. I first watched Beauty and the Beast, and then Finding Nemo. I'm not sure what to watch next, however. It's a choice between Sinbad, or The Prince of Egypt. I dunno, though.

Yeah, so I have this awful cold that makes me feel like a sorcerer is trying to crush my head open. My throat is swollen, so it feels like someone's trying to strangle me, my nose burns, and my eyes are watering.

So I stayed home.

That might've been a mistake, seeing how I haven't the slightest idea how I'm gonna make all my work up.

Ah well. To the next movie!

~The Flames

Ps. Arrr...tomorrow be National Talk like a pirate day, ye scummy scallywags! Landlubbers, that lot o' ye.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sorry for the wait, y'all!

Sorry about the not updating for six days. I've been so uber busy, and the work load just doesn't stop o.O

Anyway. Today, we had a choice. We could either go apple picking at Strawberry Acres, or we could go to Party City for Halloween costumes. Since my brother was really sick (ok, not REALLY, but whatever), we looked at Halloween costumes. And I must say, Halloween would be so much easier if I ruled the world. And I"m seriously not saying this to be conceited. Lol. If I ruled the world, I'd make everyone read the same books, see the same movies, etc, etc. Then, I could be like...James, or Max. *nods sagely*

After Party City (I didn't find anything, and I still don't know what to be. I don't even know if I wanna be male or female!!), we went to Barnes and Noble. The only problem was, there really aren't any books I really need right now. I just have to wait until the next MR book. OrPendragon. Whichever comes first. So I got a cd by this guy named David Lanz. He's a solo pianist, and he's really good. He wrote a song called Cristofori's dream. Sooo goood.

Then, we were all hungry, so we went to Smokey Bones. They had Nickelodeon on, so we watched Danny Phantom. I wish Avatar would've come on. :-D

Afterwards, we went to Micheal's. I think I'd really like to start beading (you know, making jewlry and such). But it costs money (duh). Maybe someone can get it for my birthday!! :-D

Other than that, I'm pretty sure I'm going to the game tonight. If not...well..I'll type more.

The Flames

PS!! I TYPED A WHOLE HALF PAGE, or something like that.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Arachnaphobic much!?!?

Ok, so there's this spider the size of my face outside. I won't be able to sleep. It's gonna eat me.

So, I've figured out my blog isn't nearly as good as Me's. I just kinda ramble. But Me's is much better.

Last night, I got back from the Corn-field and restaruant and Gina called. If my life were a play, this is how it would be.

(Curtain opens on two teenage girls Catie and Gina who are in their respective rooms, talking on the phone. Both are eager to see each other, as they are close, and the the time spent away from each other is long. The time is 10:30 at night.)

Dana- Gina's father
Mom-Catie's Parents
Dad-Catie's Parents

Gina: What's the deal?! I thought you were coming over today?
Catie: (sitting upside-down on bed) Well, you had the tournament today, and I thought you'd be there all day, so I went to the cornmaze with Josh! I can probably come if you get me.
Gina: Mom's at work, and Steve is over. Oh, our electricity's out.
(in background)
Dana: Who're you talking to?
Gina: Cate. Hey, can you take me halfway?
Dana: Sure. Go get me pants.
Gina: Seriously?! SWEET!
Catie: I don't think Ican go, but I'll go ask. (walks down hallway to parent's room, where her mother is watching TV) Mom, can you pretty please drive me to the Halfway point?
Mom: Go ask your father.
Catie: SWEET! (walks down hallway and stairs to father, who is watching a NASCAR race) Dad, can you take me to the halfway point so I can go to Gina's?
Dad: What!? Catie, it's 10:30!
Catie: PLEASE!!!?
Dad: Fine, are you all ready?
Catie: YES! LET'S GO!

So that's what happened.

I'll post more tomorrow, but I have to sleep now. Peace out.

~The Flames

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Confessions from a Teenage Teenager

I've been asked to post my autobiography here. Well...here it is. Enjoy. And comment, foo's.

Three stories above the busy street of Hamilton in the dear city of Allentown, a cry rang out from a hospital room and thus, I, Catherine Olivia Deiley came to be. The date was the fifth day of the eleventh month, in the year 1991 A. D. As of the current date, I now reside in my tenth year of school (the grade so named ninth). Describing my character to someone proves to be a difficult task, yet I shall attempt this undertaking to the full of my ability. I am a rather dreamy person, my mind never as tethered to reality as it presumably should be, but instead drifts from thought to thought, like a balloon that slipped and escaped from the child’s hand. Determined in some things, yet lax in others, I believe I obtain a much different way of viewing life than others. My being is as deep as it is shallow, a complete conundrum in itself. In fact, when I think, something out of the ordinary always accompanies my thoughts.

My family is an interesting tale to weave. My father is a strong man, very hard working. My mother is a caring figure, always there for us, every bit as assiduous as my father. My brother is as quiet as my sister, his twin is loud. Both of them are four years younger than I, the age of ten. Together, the five of us live harmoniously, though we have our rifts, which can last minutes or days. We live outside the realm of Leesport, in a near ancient farmhouse, laced with the memories of both today, and yesteryear.

My hobbies can sometimes be as obscure as my thoughts. At times, they can be very elaborate, such as my passion for calligraphy, the art of beautiful hand writing, and others, simple and literally meaningless, like lying on my back and gazing at the sky, whether at night, mid-day, or dawn. Said hobbies can change from week to week, my passions seemingly trivial. For a period of time, I was consumed with creating works of art out of polymer clay. While I still enjoy this hobby, time has passed and my in-fatuation has ceased. I also favor reading highly, an all time favorite of many, and along with reading, there is always writing. My love for these two walk hand in hand, for one cannot write without reading. To leave this world and enter another, leaving my physical body and surroundings behind to take on a completely new creature astounds me to this day. In addition to these pastimes, I also take part in the sports of volleyball and softball.

There are many things I like, and nearly as many, if not more things I dislike, but I am going to start with color. My favorite shades of the spectrum tend to be dark, subdued colors, such as a deep scarlet, forest green, and navy blue, because they are so rich, and beautiful. I tend to dislike brighter, neon shades, as they tend to be obnoxious never completely coordinate with each other. My favorite novel is Maximum Ride, by the acclaimed James Patterson. It is so amazing, and continues to throw me into a state of awe at how any one, mortal being can write like that. My beloved animal is a Panthera leo, more commonly known as the majestic lion of the wild plains of Africa. I am rather fond of foods like chocolate and barbecue wings, while I will turn away food such as cheese and pears. As stated above, I am infatuated with writing as well. Pouring one’s heart, soul, and being onto paper is as refreshing as a plunge into cool, crystalline water.

It is no surprise that a good portion of my goals include writing. Currently, I have engaged myself in several works that I am recording, and I wish to get one, a book I have completely finished, published before I end my high school career. I have four years, and I plan to meet this self-made deadline with skilled precision. With the upcoming Panters-On-Parade performances, I have aspirations of landing a part in this play, though my singing skills (or lack thereof) are not up to par. I will also say that I long to play varsity volleyball. This has been a dream of mine since I was a young girl.

Now, hopefully, you know more about me than you ever would have dared dream. I cannot blame you if you find this tedious, or dull, for my life hasn’t reached many climaxes, but it shall, and when it does, I will be here to write about them as them come.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Dream on!

M'kay, this is the part of the show where I tell about the dreams I've had!

Dream 1- First dream two nights ago night. There was this myth, about this girl called the ever girl. Apparently, she stole a puppet, and brought it to life. And now, she uses the puppet to put cakes, cookies, and candies on people's windowsills when they're not there. One day, she thought my family wasn't there, so she sent the puppet, Jake to the bathroom window. I saw her, and told my sister to go tackle her. We ended up giving her a place to stay for the night.

Dream 2- Second dream two nights ago. Right after we gave the ever child a place to stay, I had to be shipped off to medeval camp to be a knight. Which was on the Elementary school playground.

Dream Three- First dream last night. We were all in the high school, and the teachers are like, "ZOMG, the HUNS! They're going to kill you!" so they made us go to the church and pray. Then, they took us into the auditorium, so the huns would have an easier time killing us. I know, right? I hadbought a dagger (it was so cool! It was like...4 1/2inches long, and it had flames on it. Totally useless because of its size, but awesome looking). Then, Justin Bendigo came in and was teasing Lils, I think. So I ripped up a piece of paperwith my dull knife, and killed him. Not that I have anything against Justin.

Dream four- Second dream I had last night. After the murder, I ran outside with someone to Ontellaunee lake, near where the LIlypads grow. And I jumped off of the cliff right there, and started to fly!! It was SO cool, because I was over the water. Then, this evil teacher from the school (I think I was Max at this point) came and had the girl I showed how to fly, and held her hostage. He made me fly to Blue Marsh lake, which was now by the school. Or something. He let the girl go, but he had a camera on me, and I needed to fly. So...I went behind the trees, and flew up to the soccer fields.

But I flew!!!! Soooooo cool!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Random Mamblings

Yeah, so I can't update from the High School anymore. Stupid internet blocker. They are WAAAY too strict. I can't even get on Google Images. I know right?

Speaking of writing, I haven't been able to get even the most pathetic metaphor out. Meh, this sucks like a little kid with an ice lollie. And that's a lot.

It's been raining all day here, giving everything the feel of death. (<-- YAY! IMAGERY!) It's slow, and lazy, and etc, etc. I have nothing to do (Josh has to write A story, and Lils has to write...um...The Fantasy Story). I was kinda hoping that we could rent some movies...but then I realized there none I wanted to see. So...I'll watch Alladin. And Beauty and the Beast. You can never have too much of the classics.

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*points up* That's ALL we're doing in Computer right now. I'm sorry, but I type 100 words per minute. I REALLY hate homerow.

But anywho, nothing much to say here.

Peace out

The Flames